International Commission
The International Commission is composed of one elected delegate from each national section (or by default a person chosen by the International Commission in the absence of a national section) and from the LB members. It shall meet at least every year for an ordinary session at an IEDO General Assembly. The Leadership Board shall convene the General Assembly at a time and place approved by the International Commission.
The International Commission is the supreme body of the Association and shall have overall responsibility for it. At an IEDO General Assembly, the International Commission shall:
● affiliate, suspend or expel National Sections,
● elect the members of the LB every two years,
● vote on the annual reports and the accounts,
● vote on the annual budget,
● decide upon the international levy,
● decide upon modifications of the IEDO documents: Internatonal Statutes, Internal Rules or Procedures,
● decide upon the dissolution of the Association.
The International Commission is composed of :
Benelux for Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands : David DOERFEL
Bosnia & Herzegovina : Yasminko IBRAKOVIC
Brazil : Mylena Gomes E.
Canada : Vendelin CLICQUES
Croatia : Bruno KEKEZ
France : Régis AMMARI
Hungary : Gabor CSELIK
Italy : Francesco GARGANESE
Portugal : Miguel RIBEIRO
Romania : Cyprian ZAMFIRESCU